2024-11-25 - Bot, Dashboard, Public API Keys

Our Hyphen bot πŸ€– used in slack has gotten a big upgrade and now is much faster than before with responding to requests. In addition, we now are more accurate as we are using a larger training set. πŸŽ‰ You can try this out by adding it to your your slack and asking it:

@hyphen can you create team your_team_name

More Services Coming Soon!

In addition, we have been laying the ground work for all of our connected integrations. These are the services that you use everyday such as Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, Azure, Office 365, etc. We will be building out these services and plan to have more released soon!

New Dashboard Navigation

A brand new dashboard navigation that makes it much easier to get to what you are working on. Check it out!

Public API Keys

Public API Keys are keys that can be used for your front end applications for things such as feature flags which the foundation of Toggle which is coming soon! 🀞