Azure Integration

Automate your team's infrastructure access on Azure

1. Create or sign into your Azure account

2. Add Hyphen application

  • Open Azure Cloud Shell

  • Execute the following command:

    az ad sp create --id
  • You should see in the response that the verifiedPublisher contains Hyphen AI Inc with id 6875541.

3. Copy your subscription ID

  • Copy the subscription ID for the subscription you would like to use.

4. Create Hyphen role

  • In the Azure Cloud Shell, enter the following command, replacing ###SUBSCRIPTION_ID### with the subscription id you copied in the previous step:

    az role definition create --role-definition '{
        "Name": "Hyphen",
        "Description": "Create and manage resources via Hyphen",
        "AssignableScopes": [
        "Actions": [
        "NotActions": [],
        "DataActions": [],
        "NotDataActions": []

5. Assign Hyphen role

  • In the Azure Cloud Shell, enter the following command:

    Note: Replace the ##SubscriptionId## with the subscription ID where you will have Hyphen deploy resources.

    az role assignment create --assignee  --role "Hyphen" --scope subscriptions/###SUBSCRIPTION_ID###

6. Grant Hyphen application admin consent

  • In the Azure Portal, search for Hyphen Dev in the search box, and select the Hyphen Enterprise Application.
  • Go to Security > Permissions.
  • On the permissions page, click the Grant admin consent for Default Directory button.
  • Doing so will grant these permissions:
    • Directory.Read.All
    • Group.Read.All
    • User.Read.All

7. Copy and paste your object ID

  • Go to Overview and copy the Object ID of the Hyphen application.

8. Add Enterprise Application tag

  • In the Azure Cloud Shell, enter the following command, replacing ###OBJECT_ID### with the id you copied from the previous step. This will add the Enterprise Application tag to the Hyphen application:

    az ad sp update --id ###OBJECT_ID### --set 'tags=["WindowsAzureActiveDirectoryIntegratedApp"]'
  • Note: When browsing the Enterprise Applications Blade, you may need to remove the "Enterprise Applications" filter to see the Hyphen application.

9. Connect Tenant

  • On the Azure Integration page in the Hyphen portal, test and connect the Azure integration.