Create a Short Link

Take advantage of Hyphen’s URL-shortening service by creating custom short URLs, generating QR codes, and tracking user click/scan rates and geographic data for up to 12 months.


  • You have added a Custom Domain to your Hyphen organization
  • Your Hyphen organization member account allows you to create a custom short URL in your organization.

Creating a short URL in the Hyphen app

  1. Sign in to your Hyphen account.
  2. In the main navigation, select Link
  3. Click the Create a short URL button.
  4. Enter the url you would like to shorten in the Destination field.
    • Optionally, give the link a label so that it's easier to find later on. If you do not give it a label, a time stamp will be used as the label.
  5. Choose the custom domain that you would like to use.
  6. Enter a custom back-half to make your short URL more recognizable or unique.
  7. Click Create Short URL to generate your short URL.

Your new short URL will be automatically copied to your clipboard and ready for you to share.

Create a short URL using the Hyphen API

Create a short URL using the Hyphen API