Microsoft Teams

Connect to Microsoft Teams to automatically manage Teams and channels.


1. Create or sign into your Microsoft Teams account

Sign in to Azure Portal
or Create a new Azure Cloud account

2. Add Hyphen application

  1. Open Azure Cloud Shell

  2. Execute the following command in the shell:

    az ad sp create --id d0dee104-994b-4791-b7c8-8699727d45a4
  • You should see in the response that the verifiedPublisher contains Hyphen AI Inc with id 6875541.

3. Grant Hyphen application admin consent

  1. In the Azure Portal, search for Hyphen Dev in the search box and select the Hyphen Enterprise Application.
  2. Go to Security > Permissions.
  3. On the permissions page, click the Grant admin consent for Default Directory button.Doing so will grant these permissions:
    • Directory.Read.All
    • Group.ReadWrite.All
    • User.Read.All
    • Channel.Create
    • ChannelMember.ReadWrite.All
    • ChannelSettings.Read.All
    • Team.ReadBasic.All

4. Copy and paste your object ID

  • Go to Overview and copy the Object ID of the Hyphen application.

5. Add Enterprise Application tag

  1. In the Azure Cloud Shell, enter the following command to add the Enterprise Application tag to the Hyphen application:
    az ad sp update --id ###OBJECT_ID### --set 'tags=["WindowsAzureActiveDirectoryIntegratedApp"]'
  2. Note: When browsing the Enterprise Applications Blade, you may need to remove the "Enterprise Applications" filter to see the Hyphen application.

6. Connect Tenant

  • Fill out the form in the Microsoft Teams Setup Guide to connect the tenant with your organization ID.


azureTenantIdstring (required)Azure Tenant ID provided by the user.
namestringName pulled during setup, used for reference and display.
defaultTeamIdstringDefault Team ID to create channels in when creating channel connections.


Permission Group

Distribution list connections link to existing Microsoft Teams or create a new team if none is provided.

When creating a new Team, the name will be the Hyphen Organization, Team, Project, App, or Project Environment name.


groupIdstringUnique group ID in the Azure tenant associated with the team, used for requests.
teamIdstringUnique Team ID, used for future requests.
namestringTeam name used for display.
externalUrlstringDirect URL to the associated Team, used for verification and dashboard links.

Connection Input

Provide the Azure group ID to connect to an existing Group. If a Team exists for the Group, it will be used; otherwise, a new Team will be created for the Group.


A verification email will be sent to the group email to verify existing groups.


A Member connection will be added as a member when added to the group.


Channel connections link to an existing Microsoft Teams channel or create a new private channel if none is provided.

When creating a new Channel, the name will be the Hyphen Organization, Team, Project, App, or Project Environment name.


namestringName of the channel in Teams, used for display.
channelIdstringUnique ID for the channel in Teams, used for future requests.
teamIdstringUnique ID for the Team this channel is a part of, used for requests.
externalUrlstringDirect URL to the associated Channel, used for verification and dashboard links.

Connection Input

Provide the channel name to connect to an existing Channel.


A verification email will be sent to the channel admin emails to verify existing channels.


A member connection created for the associated Hyphen entity will automatically add or remove members in the Teams channel.


User connections link to existing Users in the associated Azure tenant. If no input is provided, the member email will be used to find the existing User.


userIdstringUnique user ID in Azure.
emailstringUnique user email in Azure.

Connection Input

Provide the Azure member email to connect to an existing User.