JavaScript (Node)

The Hyphen Toggle Provider for Node.js is an OpenFeature provider implementation that enables seamless feature flag evaluation. This section covers setup, usage, and configuration specific to the JavaScript implementation.


Install the provider and the OpenFeature server SDK:

npm install @openfeature/server-sdk @hyphen/openfeature-server-provider

Setup and Initialization

To begin using the Hyphen Provider, follow these steps:

  1. Import the required modules.
  2. Configure the provider with your publicKey and application options.
  3. Register the provider with OpenFeature.
import { OpenFeature } from '@openfeature/server-sdk';  
import { HyphenProvider, type HyphenProviderOptions } from '@hyphen/openfeature-server-provider';

const publicKey = "your-public-key-here";

// Example using an alternateId for environment
const options: HyphenProviderOptions = {
  application: 'your-application-name',
  environment: 'production', // Using alternateId format

// OR using a project environment ID
// const options: HyphenProviderOptions = {
//   application: 'your-application-name',
//   environment: 'pevr_abc123', // Using project environment ID format
// };

await OpenFeature.setProviderAndWait(new HyphenProvider(publicKey, options));


Contextual Feature Evaluation

Enhance evaluations by providing user or application context:

const context: HyphenEvaluationContext = {  
  targetingKey: 'user-123',  
  ipAddress: '',  
  customAttributes: {  
    subscriptionLevel: 'premium',  
    region: 'us-east',  
  user: {  
    id: 'user-123',  
    email: '[email protected]',  
    name: 'John Doe',  
    customAttributes: {  
      role: 'admin',  

const flagDetailsWithContext = await client.getBooleanDetails('feature-flag-key', false, context);

console.log(flagDetailsWithContext.value); // true or false



applicationstringThe application id or alternate id.
environmentstringThe environment in which your application is running (e.g., production, staging).
enableToggleUsagebooleanEnable or disable the logging of toggle usage (telemetry).
cacheobjectConfiguration for caching feature flag evaluations.

Cache Configuration

The cache option accepts the following properties:

ttlSecondsnumber300Time-to-live in seconds for cached flag evaluations.
generateCacheKeyFnFunction-Custom function to generate cache keys from evaluation context.

Example with cache configuration:

const options: HyphenProviderOptions = {
  application: 'your-application-name',
  environment: 'production',
  cache: {
    ttlSeconds: 600, // 10 minutes
    generateCacheKeyFn: (context: HyphenEvaluationContext) => {
      return `${context.targetingKey}-${context.user?.id}`;


Provide an EvaluationContext to pass contextual data for feature evaluation.

Context Fields

targetingKeystringThe key used for caching the evaluation response.
ipAddressstringThe IP address of the user making the request.
customAttributesRecord<string, any>Custom attributes for additional contextual information.
userobjectAn object containing user-specific information for the evaluation.
user.idstringThe unique identifier of the user.
user.emailstringThe email address of the user.
user.namestringThe name of the user.
user.customAttributesRecord<string, any>Custom attributes specific to the user.


const context: HyphenEvaluationContext = {  
  targetingKey: 'user-456',  
  customAttributes: {  
    subscriptionLevel: 'premium',  

const flagDetails = await client.getBooleanDetails('enable-discounts', false, context);

if (flagDetails.value) {  
  console.log('Discounts enabled for premium users.');  
} else {  
  console.log('No discounts available.');  